FPC is a national passenger rail carrier of the Russian Federation, and an entity subject to antimonopoly regulation. Russian Railways rail infrastructure forms the basis of FPC’s route network (over 85.3 thousand km as at 1 January 2016) – the world’s third longest rail network.
Russian Railways rail infrastructure
FPC provides passenger rail transportation in 77 of 85 Russian regions and ensures transport accessibility and connectivity between locations.
FPC carries passengers on 40 international long-distance routes to 19 countries in Europe and Asia – Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Moldova.
Types of activities
FPC is engaged in the following types of activities.
Passenger transportation on domestic routes in the deregulated sector using:
- luxury and saloon carriages;
- first-class carriages;
- compartment carriages;
- carriages with open-plan seating;
- passenger transportation by special order and regular tourist trips;
- provision of third-party carriages in FPC trains on domestic routes.
Rail passenger transportation on domestic routes in the regulated sector using:
- third-class sleeping carriages;
- third-class sitting carriages;
- multiple unit trains.
International long-distance passenger transportation:
- passenger transportation on international routes;
- provision of third-party carriages in FPC trains on international routes.
Baggage, unaccompanied baggage, and mail transportation:
- baggage transportation;
- unaccompanied baggage transportation;
- provision of freight forwarding companies’ carriages in FPC’s trains.
Other types of business activities include:
- repair and maintenance of clients’ rolling stock;
- provision of additional services on trains;
- other types of activities:
- lease of rolling stock;
- lease of real estate and equipment.