Risk Owner | Marketing and tariff policy |
Risk description | Declines in passenger volumes on domestic routes (declines in passenger traffic) |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Market-based risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk map
Marketing and Tariff Policy Department
Traffic safety
Technical and technological aspects of product manufacturing, delivery of works and services
Product manufacturing, delivery of works and services
Public relations
Safety and security
Human resource management
Financial and economic management of resources
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department |
Risk description | Declines in passenger volumes on international routes (declines in passenger traffic) |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Market-based risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Rare/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Various marketing initiatives (special fares for international long-distance trains). |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department |
Risk description | Passengers shifting to other modes, resulting in lower passenger volumes on domestic and international routes (lower passenger traffic) and reduced market share for FPC (FPC lost 11 p.p. of the domestic market between 2012 and 2016). |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Market-based risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department |
Risk description | Fares in the regulated segment growing at a different pace from that projected in the Strategy, with no compensation from the Government |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Regulatory risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Likely/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department |
Risk description | FPC losing market share due to increased competition and shifting consumer preferences (FPC lost 11 p.p. of the domestic market between 2012 and 2016) |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Market-based risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department |
Risk description | Declines in rail passenger volumes in the deregulated segment (declines in passenger traffic) |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Regulatory risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Marketing and Tariff Policy Department, Loyalty Programme Unit |
Risk description | Programme participants making complaints to courts under Federal Law No. 152-FZ On Personal Data |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Reputational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Rare/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Negligible |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Award of compensation points under the Loyalty Programme. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Investment Department |
Risk description | Longer payback periods due to larger investments, longer project timelines and higher planned operating costs, as well as lower planned returns |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Investment risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Intolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Drafting an Action Plan to improve the operational performance of the new fixed asset. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Rolling Stock Management Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Likely/minor |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Strategic and Organisational Development Department, Project Management Unit |
Risk description | Poor management of strategic projects resulting in strategic project failures |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Management risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Unlikely/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Negligible |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | No negative impact from the risk occurrence. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Rolling Stock Management Department |
Risk description | Train schedule disruptions as well as other safety-related consequences (train crashes, accidents, etc.) |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/minor |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Implementation of the Action Plan to Improve Traffic Safety Measures and to Achieve Accident Reduction Targets at JSC FPC for 2017, approved by FPC Order No. FPC-618 dated 29 December 2016. |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Operation and Production Facilities Development Department |
Risk description | Injuries and death, damage to property caused by fires |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Fire containment and extinguishing according to specific fire-fighting plans and the existing contract with FGPVO ZDT (Federal State Enterprise Departmental Security Service of Railway Transport) of Russia for emergency response and fire fighting services at FPC's facilities. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Operation and Production Facilities Development Department |
Risk description | Accident or incident at a hazardous industrial facility. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Unlikely/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Negligible |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Operation and Production Facilities Development Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Environmental risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequencesRisk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Operation and Production Facilities Development Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Occupational Health and Safety Unit |
Risk description | The risk of injury to employees is associated with the lack of control over compliance with occupational health and process safety requirements as well as regulatory requirements for health and safety. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Risk of occupational injuries |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/minor |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Preventive health and safety measures (briefings, training in safe work practices, etc.). |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Payment of sick pay and payments to injured people in accordance with Russian laws. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Transport Management Department |
Risk description | Lower passenger numbers carried by FPC due to failure to provide convenient schedules; passengers shifting to alternative modes. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Rare/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Negligible |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Implementation of the Programme to Increase Average Speeds of Long-Distance Passenger Trains for 2017–2022, approved by Order of JSC RZD No. 2028 dated 30 September 2016. |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Submission of a request to RZD to develop a train schedule with shorter journey times. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Rolling Stock Management Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Investment risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/significant |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Replacement of third-class sleeping carriages with other types of rolling stock. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Rolling Stock Management Department |
Risk description | Failure to control the quality of contractors’ services and performance under carriage repair contracts. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk description | Passenger Service Department |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Lower passenger volumes (due to modal shifts). |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Human resource risk |
Risk tolerance level | Unlikely/significant |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Tolerable |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Passenger Service Department |
Risk description | Lower passenger volumes (due to modal shifts). |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Reputational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Likely/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Corporate Communications Centre |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Reputational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Corporate Communications Centre |
Risk description | Damage to business reputation may result in lower credit ratings, which, in turn, may lead to higher interest rates on loans raised by the Company or even complete banks’ refusal to lend to the Company. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Reputational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | In order to mitigate the risk of loss of business reputation and to comply with the requirements of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, FPC’s Corporate Communications Centre publishes (discloses) the following financial statements at the Company’s website: annual reports, annual accounting statements, and consolidated financial statements of JSC FPC, and the issuer’s quarterly statements. |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Transport Security Department |
Risk description | Act of unlawful interference is an illegal action (omission), including a terrorist attack, threatening the safety of transportation and inflicting damage to life, health and property or posing a threat of such consequences. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Research, technological and operational risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Implementation of JSC FPC’s Transport Infrastructure and Vehicle Security Plans. |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Timely communication of threats to federal executive authorities and helping them to discover, prevent and thwart acts of unlawful interference as well as identify the causes and conditions facilitating such acts. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Corporate Security Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Management risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Internal investigation of information leaks and disciplinary/administrative action against offenders. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Corporate Security Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Management risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Cooperation with law-enforcement and judicial authorities to redress damage sustained by FPC. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | HR and Social Development Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Social risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | HR and Social Development Department |
Risk description |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Human resource risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Professional training only in educational institutions that are listed by FPC and hold relevant educational licenses; FPC participation in qualification examinations; provision of training courses. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | Partial |
Risk Owner | Economics Department |
Risk description | Mismatch between the actual costs of transportation and the Company’s revenues. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Market-based risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Frequent/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Financial Department |
Risk description | Increased FPC’s expenditures under agreements and contracts denominated in foreign currencies. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Financial risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Occasional/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | – |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Financial Department |
Risk description | The risk of increase of interest rates on borrowed funds and funds being raised. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Financial risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Rare/negligible |
Risk tolerance level | Negligible |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | – |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Financial Department |
Risk description | The risk related to threats and opportunities arising in the process of managing FPC’s surplus funds (insolvency risks, cash gap risks). |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Financial risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Unlikely/minor |
Risk tolerance level | Tolerable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | Borrowing; early termination of deposit agreements. |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Financial Department |
Risk description | Risk of contractors’ failure to fulfil their obligations to FPC under signed contracts/agreements. |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Financial risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Unlikely/minor |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur | – |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
Risk Owner | Financial Department |
Risk description | Risk of a significant reduction in governmental financial support (subsidies). |
Risk classification by area of occurrence | Financial risk |
Risk likelihood / severity of consequences | Rare/critical |
Risk tolerance level | Undesirable |
Measures to maintain or reduce risk level | Checking the completeness and validity of provided calculations. |
Measures to mitigate consequences should the risk occur |
Risk occurrence in 2016 | No |
